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NaNoWriMo- The End is Nigh

It's the day before Thanksgiving and I am sitting in Panera Bread doing word sprints to put a dent in my lagging word count.

"Berti," you might be saying, "what the hell are word sprints and what's this NaNoWriMo thing?"

And to this I say, "You're new here, aren't you? You didn't read my other NaNo post?"

And then you say, 'Erm, this is awkward. There is no other NaNo post..."

And then I say, "Oh, yeah... That's on my other blog... I really should copy/paste those here and just have one blog that nobody reads instead of two!"

If you are also participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) right now and playing catch up on your word count, you're dreading tomorrow because you know that Thanksgiving will be cramping your word count style.

I'm going to do something I'm really not looking forward to. I'm going to wake up mad early tomorrow (before my infant son) and hit the keyboard. Not literally, hopefully, but if I don't catch up soon, who knows. I might just have to do that every day until December 1st, which means already sleep-deprived me will be even more sleep deprived. Which means God save those on the road between now and December 1st when I'm behind the wheel!

Rather than sit in front of the computer for 6 hours a day (as if that was even an option- new mom, remember?), it makes more sense to break it up. Sneak in an hour in the morning (and I am so not a morning person, hit the write-ins for a couple hours, and then try to sneak in an hour after everyone goes to bed. That would be so easy if my infant son went to bed before midnight -_-

I WILL hit my word count. But if you don't, don't beat yourself up ;)

And don't give up this close to the end just because you know you won't hit 50 k. This isn't all or nothing. Really, every word counts.

Tips and tricks to get you through this if you are trying to squeeze every last word out:

Go to the write-ins

Use @nanowordsprints on twitter

Get a virtual buddy to sprint with or do word wars

Set up a timer and sprint on your own

Write during commercial breaks (you'll be amazed how much writing you get done)

Get up an hour early

Stay up an hour late

Switch between projects

Start something new

Use word prompts

Good luck! If you don't have carpal tunnel yet, you're not trying hard enough!

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